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Information Evangelizing with the Quran

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Age: 111
Faith: Islam
Zodiac: Taurus
Joined: Nov 26, 2006

Posts: 529


Post subject: Evangelizing with the Quran Reply with quote  

A good read for all Muslims and non-Muslims (and a not so good one for dissimulators).

The next person you come across who pretends to believe in the Quran and churns out unsustainable revisionist arguments could well be a victim of the following disease:

Using the Qur'an in Evangelism

The use of the Qur’an in evangelism is a controversial and divisive issue among Christian workers. All agree our goal is to communicate with people, not just preach at them. Many involved in Muslim outreach, including converts from Islam, advocate using the Qur’an as a bridge for leading Muslims from their Islamic mindset into an understanding of the gospel. Yet, others are equally opposed. To discern a right approach we need to explore the six methods suggested for using the Qur’an. We also need to grasp the theological, methodological, interpersonal and spiritual issues involved; and the dynamics of conversion from Islam to Christianity. This framework will guide personal convictions.

Analysis: The irony of it -- the bibliolator is attempting to discern a "right approach" to hypocrisy.

Six methods

1. A Complement to Christian Revelation

This approach treats the Qur'an as complimentary revelation from God. However, to acknowledge the Qur’an as authentic revelation is a theological compromise in Christian witness. This method underlies many church-sponsored attempts at dialogue with Muslims. It aims not at conversion, but rather finding common ground to foster mutual appreciation. It fails in ignoring the exclusiveness of God's revelation in the Bible; and of salvation through Christ alone. Moreover, since Muslims recognise this theological compromise, it only reinforces their position. Muslims unashamedly hold the Qur’an to be the final revelation to mankind that supersedes all other. Dogmatic Muslims will perceive Christians lack a firm basis for their faith, while sympathetic Muslims will come no closer to the truth.

Analysis: The classic dilemma of the evangelizing disbeliever who wants to get down to being dirty, and also wants his back patted for it.

When talking with Muslims, the disbeliever has to pretend that he believes the Quran to be a revelation from God. However, in his heart he needs to hold firm the conviction that the Quras is a satanic book.

How to pick out a hypocrite employing this approach: Watch out for assertions such as "We need the Bible to understand the Quran" and "The Bible gives us the background and we cannot possibly understand the Quran without it."

2. Hidden Christian meanings

This option attempts to discern hidden Christian meanings in the Qur’an, to persuade Muslims that the Qur'an supports Christian doctrine more than it does Islamic interpretation. Key examples include two titles applied to Jesus in the Qur’an, ‘Word of God’ and ‘Spirit from God.’ The attempt is made to inject Christian truth into these phrases, by teaching the biblical meaning of these concepts. However this methodology commits a classic error of isogesis- forcing meaning into a text outside its proper interpretive context. It annoys us when Muslims twist prophecies of Christ or the Holy Spirit into prophecies of Muhammad (Deut. 18:18, John 14-16 ‘Paraclete’) or put an Islamic interpretation on the words of Jesus in the Gospels (‘Your Lord and My Lord’). This is ‘theological mugging'. It is true these verses may represent biblical vestiges with which Muhammad had contact and incorporated into the text. But this differs from how Muslims interpret these titles for Jesus. We must acknowledge the Qur’an’s interpretative context if we want Muslims to recognise proper rules for biblical interpretation. This method also has interpersonal problems. It will result in accusations of using the Qur’an deceitfully to pull a Muslim away from Islam, and promote suspicion.

Analysis: To summarize it, dissimulators are supposed to use the Quran to spread their own hidden agenda.

Evidently, the dissimulator's concern has nothing to do with his being deceitful, rather he is wary of being caught in the act.

How to pick out a hypocrite employing this approach: Watch out for "Muslims" or "God-Aloners" or "Quran-Aloners" trying to reinvent the Quranic text to make it conform to dumb Biblical translations. The most common method employed by dissimulators consists of picking up a Biblical concept and then manipulating the corresponding narrative (words and verses) in the Quran to "harmonize" the two narratives in favor of the Biblical translations.

3. Applying positive statements

This method applies the many positive statements in the Qur'an concerning God, Jesus, the Bible, and other topics of mutual interest, to foster openness to a biblical perspective; while downplaying negative qur'anic references to Christian doctrine. Examples would be exploring qur’anic doctrines on prophethood, sin, salvation, God, Jesus, God’s word and God’s mercy. Points of agreement are affirmed and disagreement stated kindly and non-aggressively, putting the biblical view attractively. Colin Chapman calls this ‘to recognise all the common ground we can find between the two faiths, working within that area where the two overlap.’ (Cross & Crescent, p. 318). This gentle confrontation will lead a Muslim from the truth he knows into the new world of the Bible. This method is theologically and methodologically sound. It echoes Paul’s approach in Athens (Acts 17:16-31) and has potential with intellectuals, personal friends, and seekers curious about the Bible. It also communicates grace and kindness, fostering personal trust ( 2 Tim 2:23-26). Dangers arise if the distinction is not drawn explicitly between common, and exclusive, Christian ground. It may be tempting to stay in the comfortable discussion area of common ground. Muslims may assume you regard the Qur’an as true revelation. Again, one meets the accusation of using the Qur’an deceitfully to seduce Muslims away from Islam.

Analysis: Read the last two sentences again. The evangelist in our bibliolator is so desperate to reform Muslims that he is willing to degrade his own religion by resorting to deceit.

The whole idea is to hype and trumpet the "similarities" between the Quran and the Bible, and to try and eschew the verses where the Quran rips open the Bible (which would be a lot). Complementary to the previous "method".

How to pick out a hypocrite employing this approach: Same as above; additionally, highlight the differences between the Quran and the Bible as it really frustrates our clueless crusader. Tell him that "So-and-so Quranic narrative is not found in the Bible or contradicts it."

4. Exploring Qur'anic Inconsistencies

This approach explores inconsistencies between the Qur’an and orthodox Islam; thereby sowing doubt in Islam and opening Muslim minds to the Bible. It is epitomised by Stephen Masood, and by the ‘Call of Hope’ materials. It focusses on the Qur’an’s testimony to the prior scriptures and on the positive statements in the Qur’an about Jesus. The Qur’an itself doesn’t testify to the corruption of the Bible, but rather warns against people misrepresenting biblical texts. The greatness of Jesus' attributes described in the Qur’an are set against the Islamic view that he was just a human prophet. Jesus’ sinlessness and uniqueness, in comparison with other Qur’anic prophets (including Muhammad) are highlighted. This method is also sound. It follows Paul’s exhortation to take every thought captive to Christ (2 Cor 10:5). Dangers exist in Muslims assuming you regard the Qur’an as revelation, or in charges of deceit, using the Qur’an to pull Muslims away from Islam. But these are countered by stating hat the Qur’an is your starting point for discussion, since its authority is accepted by Muslims.

Analysis: The irresistible "If you can't beat 'em, try to confuse 'em" approach. The job of the dissimulator is to give the impression that he believes the Quran to be from God, and at the same time relentlessly work towards creating confusion by inventing inconsistencies in it.

How to pick out a hypocrite employing this approach: Watch out for "Oh, yeah? You say the Bible is crap and the Quran tells us to look for truth in it. How come?" Another is, "Oh, yeah? This is what orthodox Islam says and this is what modern research tells us." Some crap follows in the name of research. (Note that the "modern research" they make an appeal to are dead and buried theories of a handful of Orientalists). Be alert for cases (which are plenty from my own experience) where the dissimulator will manipulate facts or make partial and subverted references.

5. Compare and contrast

This use of the Qur’an compares and contrasts biblical Christianity with Islam, to clarify the significant differences between them. It is a negative rather than a positive tool in witness. It clearly states Muslim beliefs to throw the Bible’s teaching into sharp relief. This method is sound and is not open to charges of deception. It establishes the essential issues of biblical authority over the Qur’an and the need to stay above reproach. Fairness and accuracy must prevail in presenting both biblical and qur’anic positions.

Analysis: This is the suicide method. A bibliolator may employ this method when he is sure that he wants to establish (for his own benefit, which is paradoxical) the Quran's superiority over the Bible. Ironically, this is the only method where the dissimulator is not to play underhand tricks.

How to pick out a hypocrite employing this approach: Not applicable. (Once a Christian tries it, he learns more about the Quran and the Bible than what the evangelists' training manuals could ever teach him. If he is honest enough, he gives up deceit. If he is a disbeliever, he gives up this method.)

6. Avoiding the Qur'an as it is demonic

Some advocate not using the Qur’an at all because it is a demonic book. Since the Qur’an was authored by Satan, dealing with it opens one up to demonic influence and hinders evangelism. The theological danger of this view is that it diminishes the protective role of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life. Moreover, this methodology unnecessarily restricts the evangelistic task to pure gospel proclamation. As well as preaching the gospel, New Testament evangelists dealt with objections to the gospel, taking every thought captive for Christ. Importantly, many converts from Islam began their journey with reading about Christ in the Qur’an before ever meeting Christians. This alone should keep us from dismissing the use of the Qur’an in evangelism. Nonetheless, some people may be prone to detrimental influence when reading the Qur'an, and for them it may be wiser to avoid. Some converts from Islam can use their prior knowledge of the Qur’an and Muslim experience as wonderful tools in communicating the gospel. For others, trips back into their Islamic past are disturbing and don’t increase their effectiveness.

Analysis: This is the part where the bibliolator confesses his incapability. So demented is the dissimulators' faith that they use a work which they certify as "demonic" to not only deceive the Muslims, but also to bolster their own pitiable texts.

How to pick out a hypocrite's aversion to truth: You provide all tangible evidences (from the texts of Quran and Bible, lexicons, archaeology, blah-blah-blah) and also try to use reason, but the dissimulator keeps repeating the dead and buried claims.

Which approach?

Underlying these approaches are several issues. Theologically, it is crucial we do not grant the Qur’an authority as true revelation from God. In addition, it is sinful for a Christian to employ deceit, verbal trickery or manipulation in sharing the gospel. Accordingly, options 1 and 2 should have no place in our witness. Options 3-5 may all be justified from Scripture. All three, however, require an accurate study of the Qur’an and Christian and Islamic theology. They require discernment in applying and communicating that knowledge, and a patient spirit not easily provoked to anger. The last option, not using the Qur’an because it is a demonic book, is a special case. Theologically, this view is deficient for the reasons outlined above, but for some individuals, not using the Qur’an may be a wise choice. In all, we must make room for different approaches. We are given different gifts and the task is great. We must not knock one another's methods, but must humbly seek God for the way he wants to use us, in his task of sharing the gospel.

Conversion Dynamics

Finally, we must empathise with Muslims' difficulty in even considering a Christian view of the Qur’an. The Qur’an dominates their worldview and dismisses those who reject it as being wicked. Emotions run high and Muslim reverence for the Qur’an is rarely amenable to Western logic. Moreover, an attitude has been fostered among British Muslim men that it is good to scorn anything Christian. Machismo and bravado prevail over sound argument. Muslim men will act differently when alone, but group dynamics call for a strong front against Christians, even if it descends to provocation and insult. We must not yield to this and descend into frustrated quarrelling. Christian love and patience are paramount. Otherwise we will lose the opportunity to be heard and reinforce negative impressions of Christianity. We are evangelising to win people, not arguments and our goal is to present the truth with gentleness and grace.


Using the Qur'an in evangelism contextualises the gospel to a Muslim mindset. It is a valid approach, if used discerningly. Let us defend and proclaim the gospel, challenging Muslim misconceptions with integrity and long-suffering. This will and does prove to Muslims that the gospel is worth believing.

Verdict: The dissimulation of these disbelievers and their pathetic ways are a testimony in favor of the Quran's incredible constitution:

They think to beguile Allah and those who believe, and they beguile none save themselves; but they perceive not.

In their hearts is a disease, and Allah increaseth their disease. A painful doom is theirs because they lie.

Let all Muslims and non-Muslim discern the dissimulators for what they really are.
Post Posted:
Sat 03 Apr, 2010 8:58 pm
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Age: 59
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Location: Australia

Post subject: Re: Evangelizing with the Quran Reply with quote  

The wrote:
How to pick out a hypocrite employing this approach: Watch out for "Muslims" or "God-Aloners" or "Quran-Aloners" trying to reinvent the Quranic text to make it conform to dumb Biblical translations. The most common method employed by dissimulators consists of picking up a Biblical concept and then manipulating the corresponding narrative (words and verses) in the Quran to "harmonize" the two narratives in favor of the Biblical translations.

Verdict: The dissimulation of these disbelievers and their pathetic ways are a testimony in favor of the Quran's incredible constitution:

They think to beguile Allah and those who believe, and they beguile none save themselves; but they perceive not.

In their hearts is a disease, and Allah increaseth their disease. A painful doom is theirs because they lie.

Let all Muslims and non-Muslim discern the dissimulators for what they really are.

Salam bro

I totally agree with the above, I have seen it so numerous times

Post Posted:
Sun 04 Apr, 2010 5:54 am
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Age: 111
Faith: Islam
Zodiac: Taurus
Joined: Nov 26, 2006

Posts: 529


Post subject: Re: Evangelizing with the Quran Reply with quote  

Yeah, buddy. I will next start a thread to show how a Christian(?) turns to "Quran alone" and proposes that Jerusalem and not Mecca is where the Kaaba is located. You will notice that almost all of of his "challenges" are used by the dissimulators when they propose Yerushalim as the location of the Kaaba.

It's also a fine example of a bibliolator trying to use the Bible to complete Quran's "incomplete" or "contextless" narrations.
Post Posted:
Mon 05 Apr, 2010 1:52 pm
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Age: 111
Faith: Islam
Zodiac: Taurus
Joined: Nov 26, 2006

Posts: 529


Post subject: Re: Evangelizing with the Quran Reply with quote  

Done. The thread is titled "Incomplete Quran and location of Kaaba," and it's a good illustration of why the dissimulators pretend to be "Quran Aloners".
Post Posted:
Mon 05 Apr, 2010 2:23 pm
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Age: 59
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Zodiac: Leo
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Posts: 3236
Location: Australia

Post subject: Reply with quote  

Thanks mate

I am actually in a holiday with my family for 5 days, but will have a quick look now, so sorry for my late replies



Last edited by AhmedBahgat on Fri 09 Apr, 2010 7:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
Post Posted:
Tue 06 Apr, 2010 7:55 am
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Age: 50
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Posts: 36


Post subject: Re: Evangelizing with the Quran Reply with quote  

The wrote:
A good read for all Muslims and non-Muslims (and a not so good one for dissimulators).

The next person you come across who pretends to believe in the Quran and churns out unsustainable revisionist arguments could well be a victim of the following disease:

Using the Qur'an in Evangelism

The use of the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an in evangelism is a controversial and divisive issue among Christian workers. All agree our goal is to communicate with people, not just preach at them. Many involved in Muslim outreach, including converts from Islam, advocate using the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an as a bridge for leading Muslims from their Islamic mindset into an understanding of the gospel. Yet, others are equally opposed. To discern a right approach we need to explore the six methods suggested for using the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an. We also need to grasp the theological, methodological, interpersonal and spiritual issues involved; and the dynamics of conversion from Islam to Christianity. This framework will guide personal convictions.

Analysis: The irony of it -- the bibliolator is attempting to discern a "right approach" to hypocrisy.

Six methods

1. A Complement to Christian Revelation

This approach treats the Qur'an as complimentary revelation from God. However, to acknowledge the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an as authentic revelation is a theological compromise in Christian witness. This method underlies many church-sponsored attempts at dialogue with Muslims. It aims not at conversion, but rather finding common ground to foster mutual appreciation. It fails in ignoring the exclusiveness of God's revelation in the Bible; and of salvation through Christ alone. Moreover, since Muslims recognise this theological compromise, it only reinforces their position. Muslims unashamedly hold the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an to be the final revelation to mankind that supersedes all other. Dogmatic Muslims will perceive Christians lack a firm basis for their faith, while sympathetic Muslims will come no closer to the truth.

Analysis: The classic dilemma of the evangelizing disbeliever who wants to get down to being dirty, and also wants his back patted for it.

When talking with Muslims, the disbeliever has to pretend that he believes the Quran to be a revelation from God. However, in his heart he needs to hold firm the conviction that the Quras is a satanic book.

How to pick out a hypocrite employing this approach: Watch out for assertions such as "We need the Bible to understand the Quran" and "The Bible gives us the background and we cannot possibly understand the Quran without it."

2. Hidden Christian meanings

This option attempts to discern hidden Christian meanings in the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an, to persuade Muslims that the Qur'an supports Christian doctrine more than it does Islamic interpretation. Key examples include two titles applied to Jesus in the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an, �?????�????�???�??�?�¢??Word of God�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?? and �?????�????�???�??�?�¢??Spirit from God.�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?? The attempt is made to inject Christian truth into these phrases, by teaching the biblical meaning of these concepts. However this methodology commits a classic error of isogesis- forcing meaning into a text outside its proper interpretive context. It annoys us when Muslims twist prophecies of Christ or the Holy Spirit into prophecies of Muhammad (Deut. 18:18, John 14-16 �?????�????�???�??�?�¢??Paraclete�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??) or put an Islamic interpretation on the words of Jesus in the Gospels (�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??Your Lord and My Lord�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??). This is �?????�????�???�??�?�¢??theological mugging'. It is true these verses may represent biblical vestiges with which Muhammad had contact and incorporated into the text. But this differs from how Muslims interpret these titles for Jesus. We must acknowledge the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s interpretative context if we want Muslims to recognise proper rules for biblical interpretation. This method also has interpersonal problems. It will result in accusations of using the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an deceitfully to pull a Muslim away from Islam, and promote suspicion.

Analysis: To summarize it, dissimulators are supposed to use the Quran to spread their own hidden agenda.

Evidently, the dissimulator's concern has nothing to do with his being deceitful, rather he is wary of being caught in the act.

How to pick out a hypocrite employing this approach: Watch out for "Muslims" or "God-Aloners" or "Quran-Aloners" trying to reinvent the Quranic text to make it conform to dumb Biblical translations. The most common method employed by dissimulators consists of picking up a Biblical concept and then manipulating the corresponding narrative (words and verses) in the Quran to "harmonize" the two narratives in favor of the Biblical translations.

3. Applying positive statements

This method applies the many positive statements in the Qur'an concerning God, Jesus, the Bible, and other topics of mutual interest, to foster openness to a biblical perspective; while downplaying negative qur'anic references to Christian doctrine. Examples would be exploring qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??anic doctrines on prophethood, sin, salvation, God, Jesus, God�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s word and God�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s mercy. Points of agreement are affirmed and disagreement stated kindly and non-aggressively, putting the biblical view attractively. Colin Chapman calls this �?????�????�???�??�?�¢??to recognise all the common ground we can find between the two faiths, working within that area where the two overlap.�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?? (Cross & Crescent, p. 318). This gentle confrontation will lead a Muslim from the truth he knows into the new world of the Bible. This method is theologically and methodologically sound. It echoes Paul�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s approach in Athens (Acts 17:16-31) and has potential with intellectuals, personal friends, and seekers curious about the Bible. It also communicates grace and kindness, fostering personal trust ( 2 Tim 2:23-26). Dangers arise if the distinction is not drawn explicitly between common, and exclusive, Christian ground. It may be tempting to stay in the comfortable discussion area of common ground. Muslims may assume you regard the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an as true revelation. Again, one meets the accusation of using the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an deceitfully to seduce Muslims away from Islam.

Analysis: Read the last two sentences again. The evangelist in our bibliolator is so desperate to reform Muslims that he is willing to degrade his own religion by resorting to deceit.

The whole idea is to hype and trumpet the "similarities" between the Quran and the Bible, and to try and eschew the verses where the Quran rips open the Bible (which would be a lot). Complementary to the previous "method".

How to pick out a hypocrite employing this approach: Same as above; additionally, highlight the differences between the Quran and the Bible as it really frustrates our clueless crusader. Tell him that "So-and-so Quranic narrative is not found in the Bible or contradicts it."

4. Exploring Qur'anic Inconsistencies

This approach explores inconsistencies between the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an and orthodox Islam; thereby sowing doubt in Islam and opening Muslim minds to the Bible. It is epitomised by Stephen Masood, and by the �?????�????�???�??�?�¢??Call of Hope�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?? materials. It focusses on the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s testimony to the prior scriptures and on the positive statements in the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an about Jesus. The Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an itself doesn�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t testify to the corruption of the Bible, but rather warns against people misrepresenting biblical texts. The greatness of Jesus' attributes described in the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an are set against the Islamic view that he was just a human prophet. Jesus�?????�????�???�??�?�¢?? sinlessness and uniqueness, in comparison with other Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??anic prophets (including Muhammad) are highlighted. This method is also sound. It follows Paul�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s exhortation to take every thought captive to Christ (2 Cor 10:5). Dangers exist in Muslims assuming you regard the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an as revelation, or in charges of deceit, using the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an to pull Muslims away from Islam. But these are countered by stating hat the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an is your starting point for discussion, since its authority is accepted by Muslims.

Analysis: The irresistible "If you can't beat 'em, try to confuse 'em" approach. The job of the dissimulator is to give the impression that he believes the Quran to be from God, and at the same time relentlessly work towards creating confusion by inventing inconsistencies in it.

How to pick out a hypocrite employing this approach: Watch out for "Oh, yeah? You say the Bible is crap and the Quran tells us to look for truth in it. How come?" Another is, "Oh, yeah? This is what orthodox Islam says and this is what modern research tells us." Some crap follows in the name of research. (Note that the "modern research" they make an appeal to are dead and buried theories of a handful of Orientalists). Be alert for cases (which are plenty from my own experience) where the dissimulator will manipulate facts or make partial and subverted references.

5. Compare and contrast

This use of the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an compares and contrasts biblical Christianity with Islam, to clarify the significant differences between them. It is a negative rather than a positive tool in witness. It clearly states Muslim beliefs to throw the Bible�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s teaching into sharp relief. This method is sound and is not open to charges of deception. It establishes the essential issues of biblical authority over the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an and the need to stay above reproach. Fairness and accuracy must prevail in presenting both biblical and qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??anic positions.

Analysis: This is the suicide method. A bibliolator may employ this method when he is sure that he wants to establish (for his own benefit, which is paradoxical) the Quran's superiority over the Bible. Ironically, this is the only method where the dissimulator is not to play underhand tricks.

How to pick out a hypocrite employing this approach: Not applicable. (Once a Christian tries it, he learns more about the Quran and the Bible than what the evangelists' training manuals could ever teach him. If he is honest enough, he gives up deceit. If he is a disbeliever, he gives up this method.)

6. Avoiding the Qur'an as it is demonic

Some advocate not using the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an at all because it is a demonic book. Since the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an was authored by Satan, dealing with it opens one up to demonic influence and hinders evangelism. The theological danger of this view is that it diminishes the protective role of the Holy Spirit in the believer�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??s life. Moreover, this methodology unnecessarily restricts the evangelistic task to pure gospel proclamation. As well as preaching the gospel, New Testament evangelists dealt with objections to the gospel, taking every thought captive for Christ. Importantly, many converts from Islam began their journey with reading about Christ in the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an before ever meeting Christians. This alone should keep us from dismissing the use of the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an in evangelism. Nonetheless, some people may be prone to detrimental influence when reading the Qur'an, and for them it may be wiser to avoid. Some converts from Islam can use their prior knowledge of the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an and Muslim experience as wonderful tools in communicating the gospel. For others, trips back into their Islamic past are disturbing and don�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??t increase their effectiveness.

Analysis: This is the part where the bibliolator confesses his incapability. So demented is the dissimulators' faith that they use a work which they certify as "demonic" to not only deceive the Muslims, but also to bolster their own pitiable texts.

How to pick out a hypocrite's aversion to truth: You provide all tangible evidences (from the texts of Quran and Bible, lexicons, archaeology, blah-blah-blah) and also try to use reason, but the dissimulator keeps repeating the dead and buried claims.

Which approach?

Underlying these approaches are several issues. Theologically, it is crucial we do not grant the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an authority as true revelation from God. In addition, it is sinful for a Christian to employ deceit, verbal trickery or manipulation in sharing the gospel. Accordingly, options 1 and 2 should have no place in our witness. Options 3-5 may all be justified from Scripture. All three, however, require an accurate study of the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an and Christian and Islamic theology. They require discernment in applying and communicating that knowledge, and a patient spirit not easily provoked to anger. The last option, not using the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an because it is a demonic book, is a special case. Theologically, this view is deficient for the reasons outlined above, but for some individuals, not using the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an may be a wise choice. In all, we must make room for different approaches. We are given different gifts and the task is great. We must not knock one another's methods, but must humbly seek God for the way he wants to use us, in his task of sharing the gospel.

Conversion Dynamics

Finally, we must empathise with Muslims' difficulty in even considering a Christian view of the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an. The Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an dominates their worldview and dismisses those who reject it as being wicked. Emotions run high and Muslim reverence for the Qur�?????�????�???�??�?�¢??an is rarely amenable to Western logic. Moreover, an attitude has been fostered among British Muslim men that it is good to scorn anything Christian. Machismo and bravado prevail over sound argument. Muslim men will act differently when alone, but group dynamics call for a strong front against Christians, even if it descends to provocation and insult. We must not yield to this and descend into frustrated quarrelling. Christian love and patience are paramount. Otherwise we will lose the opportunity to be heard and reinforce negative impressions of Christianity. We are evangelising to win people, not arguments and our goal is to present the truth with gentleness and grace.


Using the Qur'an in evangelism contextualises the gospel to a Muslim mindset. It is a valid approach, if used discerningly. Let us defend and proclaim the gospel, challenging Muslim misconceptions with integrity and long-suffering. This will and does prove to Muslims that the gospel is worth believing.

Verdict: The dissimulation of these disbelievers and their pathetic ways are a testimony in favor of the Quran's incredible constitution:

They think to beguile Allah and those who believe, and they beguile none save themselves; but they perceive not.

In their hearts is a disease, and Allah increaseth their disease. A painful doom is theirs because they lie.

Let all Muslims and non-Muslim discern the dissimulators for what they really are.

Assalamualaikum Rahamatullahi Wabarakathahu

dear the

i really appreciate your urge of dawah at this age
after seeing you ,i ashamed of myself, not doing dawah and keeping myself reserved for this world

Good luck and may ALLAH give you long life


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Tue 06 Apr, 2010 4:34 pm
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Post subject: Re: Evangelizing with the Quran Reply with quote  

@ahmedbahgat: Happy holidaying, buddy. Take care.

@parvez_mushtaq: I don't know if this is dawah, but the urge is there, yeah. With your wish for my longevity I might go on to become the first double centurion in a long time. Looking forward to your doing dawah, buddy. Take care.
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Wed 07 Apr, 2010 2:56 am
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Our missionary started by observing that "The Quran says that this house was built in Becca". Now, by his own admission, Yerushalim and the Biblical valley of baka are two separate locations with roughly five miles between them. Our good Christian will possibly concede that two places with five miles between them cannot be the one and the same place (unless this is some sort of Holy Duality), and will readily admit that the baka valley and Yerushalim are two separate locations. If he identifies Becca as the baka valley, then he has admitted that Becca and Yerushalim are two separate locations, and has ruled out Becca's identification as Yerushalim. We are not even halfway through and we have already proved, using his own conjectures, that Becca cannot be identified as Yerushalim.

Cross-questions: We have seen that the Hebrew 'baka' and the Arabic 'Bakka' come from different roots. If you still have an insane wish to identify the word 'baka' with Bakka, do you concede that your scribes made a witting or unwitting error in transcription? Further, if you identify the valley of baka with Becca, and accept that the House of God is in Becca, then you admit that not Yerushalim but the valley of baka is the place where you should find the Temple. Why then do you revere Yerushalim rather than the baka valley? Given that Yerushalim has been immersed in idolatry for thousands of years, doesn't it make Biblical sense to forsake Yerushalim and instead try your luck with the baka valley?

Bonus cross-questioning: Let us suppose that the Biblical text correctly reads "balsam trees". This creates more problems for Jews and Christians. We have seen that balsam yielding trees are not found in the Shephelah, and one deduction will be that the Jews and Christians are looking for the baka valley (and thus the Temple) in the wrong place (doubly wrong in the case of the Temple). The other possibility is that whoever wrote the Bible didn't know shit from Shinola, and penned the Bible all the same. Which of these two options do youCheap Maplestory MesosRS GoldBuy WoW Gold prefer?
Post Posted:
Thu 17 Mar, 2011 4:54 pm
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Hello Goldghostwine

Welcome to FI

Who are you talking to exactly?


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Thu 17 Mar, 2011 10:03 pm
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Post subject: Reply with quote  

I need your help regarding holy quran, I just heard from my friend about Muslim religion, now I want to know about their religion. I also want to know from where I can read this Islamic book, please suggest me any online site.

free islamic books
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Fri 29 Jul, 2011 5:41 pm
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